Thursday, August 23, 2007

Scotland The Brave

Today we spent the day in the city of Dundee which is the 4th largest city in Scotland. The Scots are a lovely people who are very patriotic towards Scotland. This morning we spent time speaking with the intern at St. Peter's Free Church. His name is Brian and he is from Northern Ireland. It was a joy to talk with him about the history of the Celtic Church and the state of the church and society in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Those two areas have a deep history between them and have a great deal of influence on the American South. From lunch until about 4:30 we walked through the city center of Dundee, it is an old city that has a great deal of church history. We were able to see McCheyne's pulpit and grave. I also received a free book written by David Robertson on the life of Robert Murray McCheyne. They supposively have his Bible in the church locked up. David said that hundreds of people travel to Dundee and St. Peter's Church each year almost like a pilgrimage. We have thoroughly enjoyed our time here and the people have been so wonderful. We do miss our babies and look forward to seeing them. My step father Brian has been very sick while we are away and do desire to see him. The Lord is so good, last night we were able to hear Psalms sung in accapella and hear the Gaelic language spoken fluently. We are truly desiring clarity on where God would have us to be. We are thoroughly convinced that God in his infinite wisdom is going to place us in a place where He will be most glorified. The joy of our salvation and the fellowship of the saints is so beautiful. We praise the Lord for the work He is doing in the UK. In the midst of so many dead Presbyterian churches He is raising up a new generation that is strong in the Lord and determined to see Him glorified. To God be the Glory. We are strangers in a strange land, but one day we will be home. Cheers!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


We have been in England now 4 days. There are so many things to tell of this beautiful land. We have seen rain and sunshine. We have seen old and new (we went to Chester and walked along the old Roman walls and went into Manchester and enjoyed sometime in the Trafford Center which is one of the largest malls in Europe). But there is something that we have seen that is nothing new- people and there need for Christ. The church here is in complete disarray. The people we have been with are embarking on a journey that will be both tough and rewarding for the Kingdom. We are staying with Roy and Ruth Kunar- they are some of the most wonderful people we have ever met. The church that they have helped start is doing great things, but they need more laborers. The society in England has gone through rapid decay. The family unit is seeing continual trouble. Divorce and teen pregnancy is unbelievable. The light of the Gospel is needed. We have found this place extremely exciting and have a great deal of areas we can fit in on this team. Today is our last full day in Culcheth, tomorrow we will be going to Scotland to visit the believers of St. Peters Free Church. Tonight we are spending some time with a couple in Grace Fellowship, the church in Culcheth, to discuss opportunities to get into the community sports club and discuss the school system. Continue to pray for us as we are away from our young ones and as we process through all the information we have received. We are encouraged by what God is doing here and His faithfulness to His people. The need in the UK is great, we must not forget Europe and the land of our fathers.

Thursday, August 9, 2007


Cullen turned 5 on July 31st. It was a great day and we had a large amount of people at our house. The highlight of the day, other than Cullen receiving FIFA 2007 soccer for the X-Box, was the fact that for the first time in a very long time I had my grandparents at a family function at the same time as my mother. My parents got a divorce when I was 2 and I would visit my dad and his side of the family a couple times a year. Throughout the years, especially the last 2, a great deal of reconciliation has taken place. Mainly with me and the way I have viewed my dad and my grandparents. It is wonderful to be able to say that I forgive them and love them very much. I am so thankful to the Lord for taking out my bitter and hateful heart. I used to struggle with expectations of how it should have been and should be, but I have learned that it is important to enjoy what you do have and see where it goes. To God be the glory for the redemption of this sinner and of relationships. He is a good King.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Our God is so faithful! We have been preparing to go to the U.K. to visit Scotland and England. We are flying out of Atlanta on Fri. Aug. 17th and will spend several days in both places investigating the opportunities at moving there. We have been raising some money to go and God has provided every bit. It is so awesome to see our great God in action. God has continually been faithful through the whole process of pursuing a life of foreign missions. We have had good times and bad times. The most important thing is that through it all God has given us the grace to overcome and handle things as the happen. We continually see how small we are and how large and majestic the glory of God is. A life of service to our Lord is one that personifies humility. My prayer is that He gives my family and I the strength and mercy to continue. He is the author and finisher of our faith, I forget that a lot. I am so apt to be discouraged at what the world throws at us and deal with it through the view of past theology that is wrong. It is wonderful to know that we are a workmanship of the Almighty God of the universe.
We can take great joy in His love for us and His dedication to see His name glorified throughout the world. I know that each day we awake to to new mercies, but we also awake to new faithfulness- at least new to us. May Gods faithfulness be a light to the lost world and a beacon of His glory.